Eye Conditions
Eyelid Malposition Surgery
What is an “Ectropion” or “Entropion”?
An ectropion refers to an eyelid that has drooped and turned outwards. An entropion refers to an eyelid that has turned inwards.
What causes lids to turn in/outwards?
In almost all cases, causes are multifactorial however common causes include age-related degeneration and laxity of surrounding skin, muscle and connective tissue on and around the eyelid, scarring on the conjunctiva or around the eyelid or neurological problems of involving the facial nerve.
What can be expected if not treated?
Inward-turned eyelids can cause lash disturbance, scarring and infection on the surface of the eye which can result in vision loss and surgery should be considered in an expedited fashion. Outward turned eyelids can result in substantial watering of the eye alongside ocular surface dryness and irritation of the eyelid itself.
I’m not insured, can I still have surgery with Dr English?
Dr English is delighted to look after patients who do not have insurance and this is a common occurrence. All patients will be provided with full written financial disclosure prior to proceeding.
IN BRIEF: ENTROPION & ECTROPION Surgery - what you can expect*
Surgery Time
1.0 to 1.5 hours
Hospital Time
Day surgery
Time off work
1 week
Time until exercise
2 weeks
When can I shower?
No showering head/face 1 week
Return to drive
2 weeks
Surgical journey completed
6 weeks
* Estimates are provided as a general advice and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.