Eye Conditions

Upper Eyelid Reduction Surgery


What is a Blepharoplasty?

Excess skin and muscle of the upper eyelid can cause significant weight, obstruct vision (particularly side vision) and contribute to watery eyes. This can be corrected with a routine elective surgical procedure known as an upper eyelid Blepharoplasty or “eyelid reduction”.

What happens during the operation?

An ellipse of excess skin and muscle is marked and excised, alleviating the excess drape and vision defect. The skin/muscle is then sutured to reform the upper eyelid skin crease.

I’ve heard of Laser Blepharoplasty. Does Dr English use lasers for blepharoplasty?

Yes, Dr English performs Blepharoplasties by creating skin incisions with a C02 thermal laser. This offers less swelling post operatively, precise incisions and a better cosmetic result in his opinion.

Does Dr English perform cosmetic blepharoplasty?

Dr English performs this procedure for medical reasons only with an aim on superior cosmesis. He does not perform cosmetic eyelid surgery.

I’m Uninsured, can I still see Dr English?

Dr English welcomes patients who do not have private health cover. Your surgery can be arranged to take place in our in-house operating theatre at Brisbane North Eye Centre or in our minor operations suite at Oxford Eye Clinic, avoiding self-funded day hospital fees.

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