Eye Conditions

Upper Eyelid Reduction Surgery


What is a Blepharoplasty?

Excess skin and muscle of the upper eyelid can cause significant weight, obstruct vision (particularly side vision) and contribute to watery eyes. This can be corrected with a routine elective surgical procedure known as an upper eyelid Blepharoplasty or “eyelid reduction”.

What happens during the operation?

An ellipse of excess skin and muscle is marked and excised, alleviating the excess drape and vision defect. The skin/muscle is then sutured to reform the upper eyelid skin crease.

Does Dr English perform purely cosmetic blepharoplasty?

Dr English performs this procedure for medical reasons only with an aim on superior cosmesis. He does not perform cosmetic eyelid surgery.

I’m Uninsured, can I still see Dr English?

Dr English welcomes patients who do not have private health cover. Your surgery can be arranged to take place in our in-house operating theatre at Brisbane North Eye Centre or in our minor operations suite at Oxford Eye Clinic, avoiding self-funded day hospital fees.

Will I be awake during surgery?

Dr English is aware that eye surgery can be extremely unsettling for patients. That's why patients are administered heavy sedation through a drip prior to/during the operation such that patients comfortably remain asleep for the operation or have little experience of the operation actually happening. Your concerns and preferences around this are important to Dr English and he welcomes your input on this.

What happens to my glasses after surgery?

This is best discussed in person as circumstances are different based on patients' anatomy, prescription and refractive target of surgery (amongst many others). In general, if glasses are required after surgery, 4 weeks after both eyes have been completed has been shown to be an appropriate time.

IN BRIEF: Cataract Surgery - what you can expect*

  • Surgery Time

    30-45 min surgery

  • Hospital Time

    Day visit

  • Typical Time off work

    2 days to 1 week

  • Time until exercise

    2 weeks of no lifting or swimming

  • Washing (shower)

    No showering head/face for 1 week

  • Return to Driving

    Usually the next day

  • Surgical journey completed

    6 weeks

* Estimates are provided as a general advice and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.